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Prestbury St Marys

Helping Your            Child at Home

Although the central foundation of your child’s learning takes place at school, we recognise that this learning is greatly improved when your child is given help and encouragement at home.

This page provides you with advice and ideas on activities you can enjoy with your child at home, as well as useful links to visit for further information.

For children


Use this website to help when revising for any tests in English, Maths or Science. Aimed at Years 3, 4, 5 and 6, it has lots of games and activities to help you learn what you need to, when you need to

Newsround is a BBC News website for children. There are lots of videos and articles to help us keep up-to-date on what is going on in the world around us.   Sections include Sport, Entertainment, Animals and News

The science museum has a great section with information on different subjects like transport, computers and more. There are also links to different objects in the museum as well as the latest science news.


This website is packed with information about all things Geographical and Scientific. Take a look at country profiles, see stunning images of jungles or watch videos of penguins in their natural habitat.

offers educational kids games and activities for your PC or Mac.


Childnet International’s website aims to help make the internet a great and safe place for children and young people. Find the latest information on the sites and services that you like to use, plus information about mobiles, gaming, downloading, social networking and much more.

For parents

 Homework Help for Parents - how to help your child

has a series of articles aimed at parents gives advice on how you can help your child in positive ways and how to support them in their education. The articles have an emphasis on encouragement and show how learning activities can be fun.

This is an internet safety website for children and parents. This link will take you to the parents section where you can find out how best to protect yourself and your children while using the internet.

Online educational games

NOTE: While we have taken time to select websites that we believe to be appropriate and safe for your children, please be aware that the Federation cannot be responsible for the content found on these sites.