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Prestbury St Marys

Key Stage 1 Phonics & Reading Schemes

Unlocking Letters and Sounds Phase 2: 
This video has all of the phase 2 phonemes (sounds) and the corresponding actions. Phase 2 starts at the beginning of Reception




Unlocking Letters and Sounds Phase 3: taught in Reception 
This video has all of the phase 3 phonemes (sounds) and the corresponding actions. 
Note: there are 2 versions of the oo phoneme shown (as in book) depending on your accent. 



Unlocking Letters and Sounds Phase 5a: taught in Year 1
This video has the first set of Phase 5 phonemes your children will be taught in Year 1 after October half term. Pupils will then learn the alternative pronunciation and the alternative spelling for each phoneme. 





Unlocking Letters and Sounds - Summary Progression

Unlocking Letters and Sounds - Glossary

Unlocking Letters and Sounds - Actions, Images and Handwriting Phase 2

Unlocking Letters and Sounds - Actions and Images Phase 3