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Prestbury St Marys




We recognise that all adults, including temporary staff, volunteers and governors, have a full and active part to play in protecting our pupils from harm, and that a child centred, context driven approach is fundamental to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of every child. We will always take a considered and sensitive approach in order that we can support all of our pupils. We understand that children may be vulnerable to neglect and abuse or exploitation from within their family and from individuals they come across in their day-to-day lives. Whatever the form of abuse or neglect, practitioners will always put the needs of children first when determining what action to take. 

The Designated Safeguarding Lead for the Prestbury Federation is Mr Matt Ferris, Executive Head Teacher

The Deputy Safeguarding Lead for the Federation are Mrs Alison Hopton, Mrs Charlie Lunnon (SENDCo), Miss Natasha Blay and Mrs Carol Rowbotham

The Governor with Safeguarding responsibility across the Federation is Mrs Ruth Rudge.


Key Information

Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy

Safeguarding Powerpoint Presentation

Offer of Early Help

If you have immediate concerns about a child

Please contact any member of our Safeguarding Team or contact the GSCB (Gloucestershire Safeguarding Children's Board) on 01452 426565 

 Information for Parents


