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Prestbury St Marys

School Lunches

Summer 2024 Menu


School Lunch


Every infant school child is eligible for a free school meal under the Government's Universal Infant Free School Meals scheme, but can choose to bring a packed lunch from home if preferred.

At the Junior School, lunches can be ordered and paid for daily in advance by parents online using the secure Parent Pay.  If you’d like to know more, or believe your family may be eligible for free school meals, please ask at the School Office.

Packed Lunches from home

Children may bring their own packed lunches to eat in the hall, classroom or outside in the summer. Please don’t include fizzy drinks or glass containers. We are unable to offer refrigerated facilities so, in warm weather, we suggest you pack your child’s lunch with a refrigerated cooling pack.

Playtime snacks

We actively encourage healthy eating, and also encourage children to stay hydrated by drinking fresh water from their bottles. For the mid-morning break, infant school children are provided with a piece of fruit or vegetable under the Government's Fruit for Schools scheme.  Junior School children may bring their own healthy snack to school– again, fresh fruit and raw vegetables are ideal. Please note we don’t allow children to eat sweets or chew gum during school hours, or on the school premises.